Signing in

If you are already registered, then use Sign in from the website and you land on the UI page.

sign in page or login page

You may sign in using a custom email and password or using Google, GitHub and GitLab.

Note: The login from SSO works only if you have valid credentials on the Platforms.

Signing in using Google#

To Sign in using Google SSO, click Connect With Google and it automatically verifies and logs in to the platform.

Sign in with google

Signing using Github#

To Sign in with Github, click connect with GitHub. This will prompt the login page to appear:

sign in with git hub
  1. Enter your GitHub credentials to continue with Nife.
  2. Authorize the nifetency organization by clicking on Authorize nifetency
Authorize nifetency

This will enable logging into Nife using Github

Signing using Gitlab#

To Login using GitLab, Click on Connect With GitLab and you are redirected to the GitLab login page

Signing using Gitlab web page
GitLab Sign in
  1. Enter your username
  2. Enter password Note: You can also choose SSO mechanisms used by GitLab
  3. Authorize nifetency request

Once authorization is complete, you will be redirected to the platform and home page.